2021 Spring Fashion Favorites

You know that awkward late spring season where its not reallllly cold, but its not quite summer yet? You know, one day it may rain, one day it may snow, one day it may be pool weather? Yeah that one. I never have any idea what to do with my wardrobe. Do I pack away the winter stuff? Do I have the space to pull the summer stuff out of storage yet? It’s a major struggle. Luckily, I have a few spring fashion favorites I’ve been wearing on repeat.

Anyway, complaining aside, spring is where I get to play with all the cutesy layers! Here in Texas, layering during the summer is not a thing. Its too hot. You can barely stand one layer, let alone multiples. And once it get’s cold I’m a big baby and I live in my free people sweater sets. So spring is my time to shine in the layers department. So I’ve rounded up a few of my current spring fashion favorites for ya.

spring fashion favorites
one // two // three // four // five

I am ALL about these chunky gold hoops! They’re so cute and a bit of a twist on my old go-to (got that big hoop energy ya know) I love that they’re lightly textured too!

These distressed high rise shorts are PERFECT for my curvy gals! Have you tried Abercrombies new Curve Love line??? OBSESSED. This fit perfectly over the booty without any smushing (if you know you know) and no riding up!

You know I love a leopard moment and this dip hem sweatshirt had my heart the second I laid eyes on it!

Oh hey, speaking of leopard. This oversized silk scrunchie is EVERYTHING. Literally obsessed. I use it for ponytails, messy buns, all the hairstyles. Do I have it in every color. Maybe.

I can’t tell you how long I fretted over buying these short chelsea rainboots. TOO LONG. I love them. That’s all.

What are you loving this spring?!
