If you haven’t read my post about why I started Accutane you can read it here.
Two months down, four (I think) to go. My dermatologist started me on a low dosage (pretty standard from what I’ve heard) and so far, I’m really loving my Accutane results. My symptoms have been mild, and my breakouts have all but disappeared, so I’m pretty happy.
The Symptoms
My first month on Accutane was pretty uneventful, dry lips and ever so slightly dry skin are the most noticeable side effects I’ve had so far. My cycle was delayed a bit, but I can’t be entirely sure that Accutane was the cause. My appetite also subsided significantly, I never found myself actually being hungry, so I had to remind myself to eat at times throughout the day.
It wasn’t until month two that I really started to experience the severe dryness Accutane is so famous for, but once it set in, man, it was rough. Bleeding lips, bloody noses, flaking skin, it was BAD, and the cold weather didn’t help matters. The worst of my symptoms was a split lip that refused to heal, my dermatologist eventually had to a prescribe an antibiotic to make sure that it didn’t develop into a staph infection, so stay moisturized!
I haven’t experienced any soreness or mood swings which were two symptoms my dermatologist specifically warned me about, so fingers crossed that those stay at bay.
Products I’m Using
It’s been a lot of trial and error to figure out what products worked best for me but so far I’ve settled on a dream team routine of Young Living Mirah Cleansing Oil, Young Living Sandalwood Moisture Cream , Young Living Rose Ointment (see this post on how to order Young Living Products) , Aquaphor Lip Balm for my lips, and Bag Balm for my nose.
I was originally using Cerave Intensive Moisture Cream for my dry skin but it didn’t do anything to help with my flakiness. As soon as I switched to the Young Living Sandalwood Moisture Cream, my flaky skin was flaky no more. I tried Vaseline for my lips but I found it wasn’t thick enough and just disappeared so I switched to Aquaphor which helped a TON, and it comes in little lip applicator tubes so it was super handy. My bloody noses were only helped by putting Bag Balm on a q-tip and coating the inside of nostrils with it morning and night, it was weird getting used to but it was preferable over chronic bloody noses.
The Results
So far I’m really loving my results! This is the first time in months that I haven’t had severe, painful breakouts at “that time of the month” and I’m so excited to see how my skin continues to improve!
Before Accutane Before Accutane
2 Months on Accutane 2 Months on Accutane