Why I’m Doing Accutane

Curing Acne : Why I'm Doing Accutane

Before we get started, let me preface this by saying, I am not looking for any recommendations to avoid Accutane, I’m not looking for your horror stories, I’m not looking for alternatives. I’ve given this a lot of thought, I’ve done hours and hours of research and I’ve started Accutane. Phew! Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about my experience with Accutane. 

In the world of skincare and acne treatments, there isn’t a word quite as taboo as Accutane. With a laundry list of potential side effects and severe effects on fetal development if one were to be or get pregnant while on the drug, it’s gotten quite a bad rep. Because of these side effects, Accutane is widely regarded as a last resort in curing acne.

My Acne Story

As dramatic as it sounds, acne has been my biggest insecurity for more than half my life. Since the age of 11, I can’t remember a day without some sort of outbreak. Sure I would have ok days, days where only one or two spots plagued my face, but it was always there. Typically centered around my chin and mouth, I had cystic acne that would form really hard, welt-like bumps that would stay around for weeks. I could feel these bumps forming for weeks before they finally appeared and despite a rigorous and thorough skincare routine, I could never get ahead of them. Thankfully, I’ve never had a lot of acne, it never covered my cheeks and forehead like some, it was just persistent, deep and resistant to typical treatments. 

I first went to a dermatologist when I was 13. I was told my acne was hormonal and that it would eventually go away, I just had to let my hormones even out. I was put on Solodyn (antibiotic) which was the first thing to touch my outbreaks, given tetracycline gel and sent on my way. Fast forward a year or so and my acne was back with a vengeance. Since then, I’ve tried just about every wash, mask, ointment, gel, cream, and foam on the market. Three different birth control methods. I went gluten free, I went dairy free, I drink over a gallon of water a day, I’ve done cleanses, detox teas, if its been thought to help acne, I’ve tried it. 

About 2016 I decided to stop with the harsh treatments and regimes and see if my hormonal acne would even itself out. After a few roller coaster months my skin seemed to be back to normal, aka, monthly breakouts that I could feel forming beneath the skin for weeks on end. 

Starting Accutane

Which brings us here, a few months ago I visited the dermatologist again. My skin was breaking out constantly, and my breakouts were starting to migrate higher and higher on my cheeks, something I had never experienced before. I started Minocycline and started Spironolactone {again} and we started the Accutane discussion. I put my decision off for weeks, I really didn’t want to do Accutane, I hated the idea of putting my body through such a harsh chemical treatment, I wanted so badly to take care of my acne with natural methods. When it came down to it, I wanted to be done, I was sick of the ever-growing skin care regiment, I was sick of having to constantly be on antibiotics in order to keep my skin under control, I was done. So here we are, and here we go.

I’ll keep you updated with my monthly progress, we’ll chat about the side effects I’m experiencing and how my skin is progressing. So if you’re thinking about doing accutane, or if you’re just curious, follow along!

My Progress – Skin Before Accutane
